Friday, November 12, 2010

Keep Safe, Keep Away, Keep Telling

In third and fourth grade students are allowed to browse school appropriate web sites on the Internet after turning in a signed Acceptable Use Policy. This doesn't mean that students don't go on the Internet until then. Instead of browsing, they get to go on sites chosen by teachers.

This week first and second grade went on the Internet. First grade used the educational sites found on K2 Links. Second grade students browsed the Charlevoix Public Schools web site. Both grades discussed safety on the Internet and to remember Keep Safe, Keep Away, and Keep Telling. Students should keep safe by not typing their name or any other information on the Internet. They should keep away from strangers on the Internet and never meet them anywhere. Finally, they should keep telling parents and teachers about anything strange on the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. Miss Frank:
    I am so glad that you are teaching our students these rules. It is very important. I use those rules too when I am on the Internet.
    Mrs. Culver
